I’m Back and We Have New Floors!
You guys thought I was gone for good! But, to be honest creating this blog is where my heart is at.In the last 8 months I have had a baby girl who we named Pilar, enjoyed family during the holidays and made many changes to the house! It can be hard juggling the day to day- I am typing right now feeling overwhelmed by the laundry list of things to do-but I have to make time to do the things that I enjoy. So, without further ado, here is my first post in 8 months!Note: these posts are wayyy behind…so I am writing them based on things that we did months ago and I wasn’t the very best at taking pics and documenting everything. So, this might be more of a show and less of a tell, if you get what I mean?
The old fake-wood floors were a mess! They weren’t glued down properly so they slipped and slid everywhere! They were starting to bubble up because I was using soap and water to clean them ( I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to). As is his spontaneous character, Hubby woke up one Saturday last June and just started ripping them up!
We found that the hallway and living room both had original hardwood, but as mentioned in the kitchen post, the kitchen does not so we tried to match new floors to the existing ones and even though they are not the same grade, they came out fabulous!
In October, we refinished the floors and ended up with the beauties we have now!
What do you guys think? I know I left out a lot of detail so let me know if there anything in specific you would like to know about the process. If I get a lot a inquiry, I will make a more detailed post.
It looks so different, and absolutely amazing. Tell your husband he did a great job.